The Schools We Choose Project

Nevada families choose their children’s schools for many different reasons. This is true whether they pick their assigned, school-district-operated public school, apply for a district-operated magnet school or apply for a variance for a district school outside of their attendance zone, enroll in a public charter school, or seek out a private school.  Teachers also make their choices about where they work because of the priorities they value most as educators.

We launched The Schools We Choose Project to help spread understanding about these different priorities for families and educators.  As we move around our state, we spoke with parents and educators about what matters most to them about their schools.  We hope you will listen, and share, so that we can all build our understanding and appreciation about what matters most to families and educators in The Schools We Choose.

Why Families Choose Our School

Meeting My Child’s
Learning Needs

Understanding the Students
and Families We Serve

Serving Students from
Different Backgrounds

Supporting the Well-Being of
All Children