“Where Does Nevada Education Go From Here?” Don Soifer radio interview on ‘Kevin Wall Live and Local’

Nevada’s 2019 legislative session was a turbulent one for education – what should we make of its outcomes?  More importantly, what are the paths forward for Nevada families seeking the best educational options to meet their children’s needs?  Which policies emerging from Carson City will prove the most impactful, and the most useful, to help educators meet those needs?  Which leave the most work in front of us to get things on track for Nevada’s dynamic education growth?  Where do we expect Nevada’s education, and especially its schools of choice, to go from here?

Don Soifer, Nevada Action president, addresses these and other questions in this 20-minute interview from June 13, 2019 with host Kevin Wall on his Live and Local radio program, airing on 790 Talk in Southern Nevada and the 8 other radio stations across the Nevada Talk Network.