In North Las Vegas’ 89031, School Choices Rated Below Average
For families living in the 89031 zip code of North Las Vegas, the quality of accessible school choices is quite limited overall. In fact, 65 percent of students living in its 21,770 households attend one- or two- star public schools, according to the state rating system where five-star schools represent the highest performers. The zip code plays home to one four-star school, four three-star schools, three two-star schools, and two one-star schools. Households in the 89031 zip code have a median income of $63,000, or more than 10 percent above the average for Clark County – demonstrating that above-average income levels do not always translate to above-average schools. Addeliar Guy Elementary earned the zip code’s lone four-star rating, boosted by strong student growth scores in math and English. While less than half of Addeliar Guy students scored at grade level proficiency, they scored a 67 and 62 in its math and English Median Growth Percentile (MGP), respectively, well above the state and county average. These scores indicate that for students with identical proficiency levels on last year’s test, students at Addeliar Elementary are growing their math performance faster than 67 percent of them, and ahead of 62 in English. All students enrolled...